Friday, August 13, 2010

canine angst

My dog and I have a love/hate relationship. Mostly, I love him. We have spent most of the summer together, doing three mile walks at the lake. He trots along beside me on his weary days, runs ahead when he's feeling frisky. Like me, he sometimes wakes up exhausted already and wants little to do with a trek by the water. On one of his final walks this vacation, he was so hot that he walked directly into the lake, laid down on his stomach and rolled onto his side. When he quickly realized that his ear was filling with water, he ditched that idea.
Now work has begun. I no longer have my mornings free. Neither my dog or I are enthralled with missing our morning walks. We are both crankier. I'm not sleeping well, he's not happy. He has turned his frustration into anti-housebreaking sneak attacks and excessive barking. I have turned my frustration into bouts of eating and starving with no rhyme or reason. Insomnia is ruling the night and my dog is losing his mind. Very soon we will both be forced by impending girth and depression into rerouting our schedule. We will find a happy medium. We will return to a level PH. Something we both can live with that won't drive us to intolerance. We love each other, so we will find a way to work things out.

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