Friday, June 25, 2010

Baking up a batch of cope

I've decided to screw the idea of baking less. I'm sure it has a lot to do with my current funk related to my son moving out, but in the spirit of addiction, I am riding with it. I had a good solid run of one week without baking. I was proud of myself for a split second when I realized I could do it if I wanted to. Then I got out the mixer and baked up a batch of coping. Briefly felt like a failure, then didn't care again. I've come to realize the failure part stays. No matter what. Baking won't help, eating won't help. Life is like that. We all have our vices. But vices don't really do anything in the long run for your sanity. They are extremely temporary fixes for perceived weaknesses. The perceived part is the killer. I can beat myself up 'til I'm black and blue in the brain, but no one, and I mean, no one can convince me I am okay. From what I can tell, most of us struggle with personal frustrations. Whenever I meet someone who I think may "have it all together", something always changes that. I can see it in people's eyes. The words may sound rational, but the face gives it away. Everyone struggles. Some more than others. But the calm comes in knowing none of us are even remotely perfect, maybe to someone else if you are lucky, but never to ourselves. And sometimes that has to be good enough. We have to let it be.

1 comment:

  1. Ease up on yourself a bit. Believe me, there are far, far worse ways to cope than baking up endless pans of your chocolate chip wonder cookies. You could become an alcoholic or go on compulsive tattoo binges. Just saying.
